Conference abstract
Estimation of the scope and the cost of services for treating tuberculosis for Vinnitsa region
Baranovska, Anastasia; Doroshenko, Olena
BACKGROUND: Great resources aimed at combating TB are allocated in Ukraine, but the cost of the TB case is not clearly estimated for the country and service provider. So, the aim was to calculate cost of the TB services according to hospital expenditure and Protocol for treating TB patients.
METHODS: Data collection was conducted in Vinnitsa region TB clinic and Vinnitsa TB clinic №2. Data for the method of step method of cost sharing were collected by analyzing the documents (financial and statistical reports). The cost of different courses of TB treatment was estimated for different groups of patients according to schemes previously constructed through analyzing the Protocol and medical records of the patients.
RESULTS: The actual cost of daily stay of in-patients is estimated as 131 UAH (patient of the 1st category), 156 UAH (2nd category), 184 UAH (MRTB). The monthly cost of outpatient treatment was calculated as 102 UAH (patients of the 1st and 2nd category). If the clinics follow the Protocol for the treatment of TB patients the total costs for treating the patient of the 1st category mounts 8,773-12,906 UAH (inpatient stay 7,872-11,088 UAH, medicine 237.8 UAH, laboratory tests 307.05 UAH, X-rays 61.68 UAH, outpatient care 491.5 UAH), for 2nd category – 15,508 – 15,606 UAH (inpatient stay 14,103 UAH, medicine 237.8 UAH, laboratory tests 229.6 UAH, X-rays 61.68 UAH, outpatient care 589.8 UAH ) and for MRTB – 1,025,992 UAH (inpatient stay 99,619 UAH, medicine 28,666 UAH, laboratory tests 311 UAH, X-rays 123.4 UAH).
CONCLUSION: Cost for inpatient stay and medicine take the major part in cost structure, causing the differences for categories. Calculation of the cost for TB case would be helpful for the effective distribution of resources, based on the costs of the treatment for different categories.
KEY WORDS: tuberculosis, cost for tuberculosis case, step method of cost sharing, Protocol for treating TB patients
Abstract (pdf) in English and Ukrainian